pp108 : getAdjustedTime Method

getAdjustedTime Method


This method returns the Date object with the server time.



serverTimeObj = system.getAdjustedTime(bNotifyUser)

Possible Values

Value Description

Boolean. Displays the notification when the difference between the server and the client time is more than the sum of values of the clientServerTimeTolerancs and RoundTripTime properties provided in the wcp.properties.

If the clientTime(ms)-serverTime(ms) > clientServerTimeTolerance(ms) + RoundTripTime(ms), then a notification is displayed to the user, if bNotifyUser is true (ms stands for milliseconds). The notification message will be as follows:

Correct the difference between the client and server time to ensure proper functioning of Process Platform.

Return Values

It returns the Date object with the server time.


Using the getAdjustedTime API, you can notify the user to adjust the client time to ensure the proper functioning of Process Platform.

Note: This method uses the below properties available in the wcp.properties that can be configured in the installation.

  • com.cordys.clientservertimetolerance.value - This value provides the accepted delay between the server and client. The default value is 60000 milliseconds.
  • com.cordys.recheckinterval.value - This value provides how often it is expected to recheck the time difference. The default value is 10 count.
  • com.cordys.roundtriptime.value - This value provides the expected delay in the Round Trip Time (RTT). The default value is 100 milliseconds.

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